Publications of professors and teaching staff in journals, which included in the international catalog and database SCOPUSJournal ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS 2009 CONDITIONS FOR UKRAINE'S NATIONAL ECONOMIC INTERESTS' REALIZATION WITHIN WTO REGULATORY SYSTEM The article analyzes the conditions for realization of the national economic interests of Ukraine within the regulatory system of the WTO. Basing on the optimal combination of the external economic openness and the protectionist policy the article offers measures aimed at the maximal assistance for the national producers and exporters. 2. I.Y. Berezhna The article studies the essence and the role of the financial institutions as elements of the institutional structure of the financial markets and as components of the financial system, their influence upon the investment potential formation is also explored. It is suggested to consider the investment potential in the context of the economic theory of property rights. №10 The article presents the approaches to formation of the new economic structure which is based on the innovative resources. Author's vision of the essence of the "new economy" reconversion is formed, its development is grounded on determination of the "points of growth". 4. А.О. Semenchuk The article determines the major problems in development of the light industry and its apparel sector in particular. The parameters of the sector's market are outlined, and the competitive environment is determined. Special attention is paid to the variability of the contemporary FMCG market under the stiff competitive conditions. 5. O.О. Gamankova TThe article considers the problems in estimating the competitive environment at the insurance services market in Ukraine. The official indices of market concentration and competition do not reflect the actual situation in certain segments of the market. This hinders the research of its monopolization level and the corresponding actions to be taken by the state. №12 The article studies the activity of credit companies which represent a new kind of credit institutions in Ukraine and along with credit unions and pawnshops they form the non-banking sector of credit institutions. Essence and specifics of the credit companies' activity are revealed, and the legal framework in which they are functioning is outlined. 2010 The article presents key economic features of the notions "reconversion" and "reconversion technology" as a mechanism of forming new and maintaining and managing the existing competitive advantages as well as the provision of the enterprise competitiveness by means of the created advantages. №5(107) 2010 The article presents the authors' vision of the essence of managerial technologies in the context of company development management as well as the results of the performed research of the key priorities in their activity and major problems in their development. An analytical evaluation of the experience of introducing the world's most popular managerial techniques at the domestic enterprises is carried out. №6 The article considers the peculiarities of the value stream mapping as an instrument of diagnostics and optimization of the value-oriented operating system. Methodics of mapping is offered, and the essential contents of the key steps within this methodics is demonstrated. 10. T.Y. Kotenko The article considers the issues of cost management taking as a study case the enterprises of the building in]dustry. Net cost structure of the construction & assembly works is analyzed. Conclusions demonstrate the management peculiarities of enterprises within the mentioned industry; measures for improvement of cost management are offered. 11. V.A. Krasnomovets The article considers the major educational innovations and the directions of their application while educating the disabled people. The peculiarities of introducing distance and inclusive forms of studying are analyzed as well as the application of information technologies for enhancement of education opportunities for the disabled people. №7 The article analyzes theoretical and methodological aspects of essence of the national banking systems integration in the postsocialistic countries. Key trends in the European regional financial integration of the national banking systems of the postsocialistic countries are determined. Major peculiarities and consequences of the financial integration of the national banking systems in the postsocialistic countries under the conditions of Eurointegration are generalized. №8 13. I.D. Shelamova, R.V. Kostyuk The article considers the objective contradictions of innovative development and analyzes the international experience of their solution by creation of such modern organizational forms as clusters. A principal scheme of a biotechnological cluster is offered. 14. N.P. Goncharova The article presents the topical issue of scientific research and practical exploitation of new resources for the development of economy. Special attention is paid to the resource provision of the "new economy" based on reconversion. 15. O.A. Danylenko The article summarizes theoretical approaches to the process of personnel management system diagnostics and determines major goals of such diagnostics depending on the stage of the organization life cycle (birth, growth, maturity, decline or rise) and depending on the priorities of its development under conditions of competitive environment. 16. Z.O. Zhuchenko The article considers the historical aspects of the origin and the economic essence of the cate-gory "public joint stock company". Place of public joint stock companies within the general system of the entrepreneurial organizational forms is defined. Management mechanism for public joint stock companies is offered and grounded. №9 The article analyses the role of G-20 countries in international coordination of the national economies' regulation under the conditions of current globalizational challenges. The contradiction between national economic interests of states and international economic interests is revealed. Proposals concerning the development strategy for the Ukrainian economy under the formation of new global economic order are grounded. 18. N.P. Bukreyeva The article highlights the peculiarities of separate elements in analysis of the imported raw materials usage which has a certain target purpose; the article also outlines the problematics of classifying the technological processes which are used for such imported raw materials under the condition of complying with certain production peculiarities for the same imported raw material which does not have customs privileges and limitations in its usage. A separate analysis approach is offered for increasing the efficiency of the materials & supplies management at a manufacturing enterprise. №10 The article demonstrates the problems in bank management under crisis conditions and outlines elements of management also considering the necessity of their improvement. As a key tool of increasing the efficiency of crisis management in a bank the author examines the process concept, which has the precondition for introduction – the reengіneering of banking business by means of service-oriented architecture. №11 The article studies the history of origin and evolution of the controlling concept and considers the approaches to definition of this notion. Criteria for determination of the components of the controlling system are analized; methods and instruments of controlling are classified. 21. O.V. Parandiy The article considers the notion of arbitrage and its kinds, provides the examples of arbitrage operations at the Ukrainian forward market and determines the problems in arbitrage performance as well as the ways of solving them. 22. R.I. Zavorotniy The article analyzes the topical issues in modelling of cash flow of the building enterprises of Ukraine, Russian Federation, and also of the emitters from the listing of the New York stock exchange. Practical recommendations concerning the drawing up of the corresponding econometric models are generalized, and the comparative analysis of the modelling results is carried out. 2011 The article grounds the necessity of studying the economic behaviour of managing subjects under the conditions of transformation to market economy in Ukraine from the viewpoint of the new institutional theory; the influence of institutional changes upon the economic behavior of managing subjects is determined. 24. V.A. Beloshapka The article grounds that under the conditions of economic decline it is vital for many companies to boost the search of the reserves for the increase of market performance. Three groups of such reserves are determined; the logic and the sequence of the managerial actions on their usage are presented. №2(116) 2011 The article analyzes the meaning of the notion "paradigm" emphasizing on certain aspects of its essence and grounding the hypothesis that global competitiveness has a paradigmal construction. Key factors determining directly the changes within a paradigm are marked out. 26. O.V. Olshanska The article determines the theoretical and methodological grounds for regional spatial organization of economic activity and considers major types in classification of regions; objects and functions of the regional administration bodies are defined; objectives of state policy in the context of the regional spatial systems formation are analyzed. Potential directions of state management of the current processes of regionalization are offered. 27. А.V. Shynkarenko The article analyzes the key controversial theoretical and applied aspects of concepts and ca-tegories, describing the peculiarities of the investment activity and the role of banks in the investment process. The necessity of clear understanding of the terms "investments" and "investment operations of banks" is revealed in the context of the direct participation of banking sector in the country's economic growth. Key differences between investment operations and other types of banking activity are demonstrated. 28. I.S. Zinovieva The article considers the mechanism of capital provision for the process of the complex integrated entities development. The model of financial provision for the functioning of the industrial production entities is carried out. It enables the realization of the efficient management mechanism for the investment resources in the complex integrated entities. №3 The article carries out an attempt to diagnose the influence of the contemporary world economic trends upon the necessity of improving the paradigmal construction of the global competitiveness. The process of transforming the competitiveness of the world economy subjects is outlined with a special emphasis on the factors of influence, its character and effectiveness on the level of this competitiveness provision. 30. O.V. Olshanska The article extends the theoretical and methodological grounds for defining the socioeconomic nature of a region. The necessity of transforming the key elements of territorial organization of business and their structural institutions is grounded. The necessity of taking into consideration the socioeconomic factors while separation of territorial systems of any type is determined; major types of regions are analyzed; mechanisms of the economic activity boostering in regions of different types are offered. №5 The article analyzes theories and models for evaluation of regional competitiveness and studies the essence and the factors of the production competitiveness; its interrelationship with the economic potential of the regions is grounded. A new approach to estimation of the regions' industrial competitiveness is presented basing on the empirical modeling of their economic potential by different scenarios of socio-economic development of the country. 32. I.V. Ivanets The article considers the construction of mathematical models by means of which an integral indicator of the financial state of agrarian enterprises can be obtained. The conceptual approach to the integral indicator calculations offered in this article allows drawing conclusions regarding the real financial state of an enterprise. 33. Y.V. Kolyada The article studies the modeling of dynamics of the economic processes based on the system of Lotka-Volterra equations which takes into account the saturation mode. The successful behavior line at the commodities market is developed on the grounds of adequate mathematical model of economic phenomena or economic process. Examples of the modeled economic situations are presented. №6 The article studies the key methodological approaches to efficiency estimation of organization's personnel management and offers a model for estimation of the efficiency of the organization personnel management which is based on a typical algorithm of this process. 35. V.V. Vasylenko The article considers the problem aspects in the process of pricing for banking metals as well as the potential factors allowing the influence upon the level of the current market prices. Major forming sources for supply and demand at the banking metals market are determined, and the analysis of their interaction within the current competitive environment is carried out. The author throws the light on the issues of practical application of the contemporary information technologies for the formation of the single information area for servicing the operations with banking metals in Ukraine. 36. O.O. Kolesnyk The article carries out the analysis of the efficiency for the method of scenario forecast as a tool of crisis management at a bank. Key features of this method are determined as well as its advantages over the classic methods of strategic management; topicality of its application at banks under crisis conditions is grounded. №7 The article studies the energy aspects of cost estimation for the tilled lands fertility restoration. Technique for calculating the costs of the tilled lands fertility restoration by means of increasing the humus contents is offered. 38. V.V. Vitlinskyi, V.I. Skitsko The article studies the problem of a commercial credit risk of an industrial enterprise. Classification of such risks is offered, its similarities and fundamental difference from the credit risk of a commercial bank are demonstrated, steps in the risk analysis are considered. 39. R.I. Zavorotniy The article considers the approaches to determination of the weighted average cost of the corporate capital depending on the peculiar features of the business under estimation. Major goals of estimation of the weighted average cost of the corporate capital are systematized and the corresponding analytical techniques are generalized. №8 The article considers the key factors of cost in the process of enterprise management. The necessity of constructing an effecient internal information management system for cost factors is demonstrated, in particular, the attention is paid to the intangible assets of a business. 41. O.V. Khomenko The article presents the results of the complex research of the newest methodics and concepts of the innovative development of the international economic relationship subjects, the benchmarking analysis is applied concerning the efficiency of the scientific & technical potential realization in the countries with leading positions in innovations. The author's construction of the priority trends in increasing the international competitiveness is presented basing on the innovative model of the development. №9 The article considers the existing system of valuation indices within economy which is based on the classical postulates of the theory of value and is the reason for the repeating economic crisises. It is offered to base the value of goods, services and money on the law of conservation and transformation of energy, so that the total value of goods and services produced and used within the economy during a particular period of time is equal to the total energy spending on their production and consumption. It is also grounded that at this energy inputs should ensure the value of money. 43.O.А. Ostrovska The article analyzes the crisis condition of public enterprises and grounds the necessity of applying the instruments of the crisis financial management. The author's understanding of the crisis consequences, the contents of crisis financial management, financial controlling is presented along with the role of the risk controlling system within the crisis financial management at an enterprise. An approach to construction of the crisis controlling system at public enterprises is offered. The ways of overcoming the crisis in the public sector of the Ukraine's economy are determined. 44. V.Y. Pazdriy The article considers the essence of the category "uncertainty" and studies the sensitivity of changes in uncertainty to changes in the amount of information and impact of various factors upon the quality of information. A complex concept for estimation and forecast of uncertainty of the external environment is offered. №10 The article considers innovations not only in terms of economic benefits they bring to entrepreneural structures in the result of their implementation, but, first of all, as a result of intellectual activity. Economic essence and key features of innovations are determined. Their determination allowes proving that they are the key element of the intellectual assets making them a strategically important economic resource. Classification of innovations by types is carried grounding the component structure of the intellectual capital. 46. S.A. Lisovenko The article defines the notion of "high-tech enterprise". The existing indicators of enterprise competitiveness in the field of high-tech production are generalized. A complex method for a high-tech enterprise competitiveness assessment is offered basing on certain indicators. 47. O.V. Abramova The article analyzes the methods of production costs accounting by stages in the life cycle for the special protection footwear, starting with design of constructions within a model range till the closed production complex applying the method of life cycle costing; propositions on its improvement are carried out. 48. V.Y. Pazdriy The article reveals the issues of estimating the financial aspects while grounding the necessity for introducing a set of measures on decreasing the uncertainty, in particular, while using the information systems which are the key instruments for this. The presented mathematical, logical theoretical approach allows estimation of the costs expediency for the collection and processing of information along with other measures which assist in exploring the external environment which in turn ensures the growth of knowledge about this environment. 49. N.N. Pritulyak, V.O. Romanyshyn The article considers innovations not only in terms of economic benefits they bring to entrepreneural structures in the result of their implementation, but, first of all, as a result of intellectual activity. Economic essence and key features of innovations are determined. Their determination allowes proving that they are the key element of the intellectual assets making them a strategically important economic resource. Classification of innovations by types is carried grounding the component structure of the intellectual capital.
Last redaction: 06.12.11 |