Institute of Higher Education (IHE)

Institute of Information Technologies in Economy

Institute Information Technologies in Economics created April 1, 2017 Order of the Rector KNEU (No 243 from March 31, 2017)

Institute Information Technologies in Economics is the successor of the Information Systems and Technologies Faculty


The establishment of the Information Systems and Technologies Faculty is one of the best testimonies of the development of our education establishment. The establishment of the Economic Information Mechanised Processing Faculty (1964) initiated the training of specialists in the machine-based processing of the economic information and provided the theoretical and practical foundation for this speciality, which has developed within various economic specialities.

That period was marked by the development of various classes of the computer equipment in Ukraine's national economy, especially electronic computers. Highly qualified specialists with the proper economic and mathematical knowledge capable of using computer equipment in economy were required for the comprehensive utilisation of such equipment. This task was assigned to the Economic Information Mechanised Processing department headed by Professor M.H. Tverdokhlib. Under the direct guidance of Rector P.V. Kryven, the Department revised all curricula and amended them in line with the progress of science and technology in the field of the education. The following disciplines were introduced for all specialities: the mechanised processing of economic information (in industry, national economy, accounting, etc.), the economic and mathematical methods, the management theory and practice, the law, the computer equipment and its operation, etc. Particular attention was paid to a new speciality in the Institute — Economists/Engineers in the Organisation of the Mechanised Processing of the Economic Information. Two groups of students were admitted to the 1st year of study on a full-time basis in this speciality in 1963. Gradually, the material base of the computer equipment, specialised classes and laboratories were created and the teacher team was established.

Last redaction: 21.11.23