Institute of Higher Education (IHE)


L.H. Kuzmenko,
head of the Finance and Economics Unit, researcher of the International Co-operation and Grants Section of the Higher Education Institute of Vadym Hetman KNEU

A.O. Ovcharenko,
PhD in Economics, Senior Teacher of the International Management Department, researcher of the International Co-operation and Grants Section

S.O. Savytska,
PhD in Economics, Senior Teacher of the International Economy Department, researcher of the International Co-operation and Grants Section of the Higher Education Institute of Vadym Hetman KNEU

O.I. Tsyrkun,
Senior Teacher of the Foreign Languages Department of the International Economy and Management Faculty, researcher of the International Co-operation and Grants Section of the Higher Education Institute of Vadym Hetman KNEU

M.P. Tyshchenko,
PhD in Economics, Associated professor of political economy Department, researcher of the International Co-operation and Grants Section of the Higher Education Institute of Vadym Hetman KNEU  

Last redaction: 30.08.13