Institute of Higher Education (IHE)

KNEU named after V. Hetman in the SCImago Institutions Rankings 202511 Mart 2025р.

In the international SCImago Institutions Rankings 2025, compiled by the Spanish laboratory SCImago Lab, the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman took 7th place among Ukrainian HEIs and 8th place among all Ukrainian academic and scientific institutions represented in the ranking, 152nd place among Eastern European HEIs and 2601st place among universities in the world (a total of 9756 academic and scientific institutions from different countries of the world are represented in the ranking, including 5051 higher education institutions, among them 61 from Ukraine).

SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is an authoritative international system for evaluating academic and scientific institutions, ranked by an integral indicator that combines three groups of indicators that reflect the scientific, economic, and social characteristics of institutions:

  • Research performance (50%) - 11 indicators;
  • Innovative developments (30%) - 3 indicators;
  • Social impact (20%) - 6 indicators.

The assessment considers, in particular, the impact of scientific publications, the level of international cooperation, open access to research, the development of patent activity, technological contribution, and the university's digital presence, among others.

The SIR Ranking 2024 includes three new indicators in the group of social impact indicators: the institution's generation of new knowledge related to the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations; the level of involvement of women in research processes; the use of the obtained results in the formation or improvement of public policy.

The rating methodology assumes that the institutional affiliation of documents included in the Scopus scientometric database, the use of various databases, and indicators of visibility on the Internet are considered.
