Research staff of the Institute:

Denys O. Ilnytskyi, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of International Economics,
researcher at the Section of Studies in International Competitiveness of Universities KNEU
E-mail: ilnytskyy

Dmytro O. Barabas, PhD in Economics, Docent, Associate Professor at Management Department,
researcher at the Section of Studies in International Competitiveness of Universities of the Institute of Higher Education KNEU

Olga O. Denisova , PhD in Economics, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems in Economics,
researcher at the Section of Studies in International Competitiveness of Universities of the Institute of Higher Education KNEU

Viktoriya Korotka,
researcher at the Section of Studies in International Competitiveness of Universities

Viktoriya V. Lishchinska, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at Management Department,
researcher at the Global Education Trends Research Section, the CIMA Program Coordinator of the Institute of Higher Education KNEU

Vira V. Ogoordnyk, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and Tourism,
researcher at the Global Education Trends Research Section of the Institute of Higher Education KNEU

Yevhen H. Panchenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the International Management Department, Honorary Professor of the Harvard School of Business,
researcher at the Global Education Trends Research Section of the Institute of Higher Education KNEU
Yuliya I. Strilchuk, PhD in Economics, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Banking and Iinsurance,
researcher at the Global Education Trends Research Section of the Institute of Higher Education KNEU

Viktoriia M. Turchaninova, Senior Teacher of the Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communications Department,
researcher at the Sector of Research of National Educational Systems of the Institute of Higher Education KNEU

Olena I. Tsyrkun, Senior Teacher of the Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communications Department,
researcher at the Sector of Research of National Educational Systems of the Institute of Higher Education KNEU